Welcome to day 12 of our James Bible Study!
Let’s look at verses 15-16.
After desire has conceived, sin is born. And sin grows and gives birth to death.
Summarize these two verses on your worksheets in your own words. What is God saying to you today?
How often has a desire turned into sin in your life? Maybe you resisted it at first and eventually gave in. It’s so devastating, isn’t it? And we all do it, friend. So don’t beat yourself up. Ask for forgiveness and wisdom and try again.
Take the next step and find someone you can be accountable to. You’re always accountable to the Lord, but find a friend you know is trustworthy and ask if you can call them or text them the next time you’re tempted by a desire you know turns into sin.
Journal what the Lord lays on your heart today.
Your memorizing homework today is to print out the verses (I’ve provided a pdf for you) or write the verses out. Then cut each word out and mix them up. Can you now put the words in the right places for all three verses? Try it. It’s good to mix it up. Each challenge infuses your brain with God’s word!
Show us your homework today! I want to see what you’re up to! Visit us at the Facebook page and be accountable for your work today.
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