James Bible Study Day 13

James bible study at melindatodd

Welcome to day 13 of our James Bible Study!

Today, let’s dig into verses 17 & 18.

Notice that every good and perfect gift is from God? Do you recall what verse 3 said about perseverance? That our trials bring forth perfection if you we persevere!

God doesn’t change like shifting shadows. I love that word picture because shadows are constantly changing because light sources constantly change. But God doesn’t change. I don’t know about you, but I am so very thankful for that. I know I can change like shifting shadows.

I love the NLT version of verse 18.

He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.

Think about a possession you prize. Camp out on the fact that He loves us more than that. Never changing. Not a shifting shadow. Always the same.

Does that fill your soul with relief and joy?

Friend, you can rest in the perfection of your heavenly Father. He loves you the same yesterday, as He does today, and tomorrow. That’s it. It’s non-negotiable.

Today, journal about how knowing God loves you as a prize possession. Write a letter to the Lord and thank Him for it. Let your gratefulness pour of you onto the pages. It’s overwhelming, isn’t it?

Add verse 4 to our memorizing. Write that verse out 3x and say it out loud 5x. If you can, write out verses 1-3 from memory. How is your memorizing going?

Prized Possession James Bible Study @ MelindaTodd.com

When doubts creep in today, remember you’re a prized possession. Keep your focus on that pure and lovely thought.


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