Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
I want to discuss why I joined the contest for the Top 25 Faith Blogs at Circle Of Moms because sadly, it has become a somewhat nasty contest which saddens me.
Did you know that the top 25 faith blogs who “win” get an interview and a place in TheRoundUp which goes out to more than 6 million moms? That is a lot of mamas to reach for Christ! That fact could stand alone.
Reason number two, for some reason I thought it would be fun. I know crazy, right? Seems that way now anyway.
I have thought about withdrawing, even from the beginning, because it feels conceited and because I was surprised at first by some of the blogs that are on the list – yes, I admit I had a hard time with some of them for the first day or so that I noticed those blogs but I got over it. I had to decide if I wanted to be on the list with all the other faiths and if I really wanted to compete against my fellow believers.
But here’s why I chose not to leave. It’s that list that reaches 6 million women that keeps me there and cheering on my other Christian blogging teammates. Because when that list goes out, I want to see it at the very least, balanced with the other faiths as well as seeing my Godly girlfriends on there sharing the love and good news of Christ.
So, I will continue to promote my sister’s in Christ’s blogs, just as I would cheer on the teammates on my favorite team. It’s not because I have hatred or ill feelings for the other bloggers, I don’t, but I do want to see Christians win and I don’t think that is wrong or disrespectful.
We are called to be loving and represent Christ but we are not told that we have to be supportive of other religions. I love the women behind the other faith blogs but I don’t agree with what they are teaching and therefore, I will not promote them on my blog or my facebook fan page.
However, I will also not take part in the bashing of any of the other women; Christian, Pagan, Jewish, or any others. That is wrong and none of us should be participating in that kind of behavior. What I’ve seen, sickens me – on all sides and both sides are fueling the fire. So please, stop the bashing and show some love and kindness towards each other. We don’t have to agree but we don’t need to be attacking either, it doesn’t make anyone look good.
With all that said, get out there and vote for your favorite blogs!
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1
* Just to be clear, I haven’t misunderstood what has gone on. I have witnessed it from the beginning and it’s not just the Christians who are to blame for the nonsense that has gone on. This will be the last popularity contest I will join as that is really all this contest boils down to; who can rally the most votes instead of the actual content of each site. I also do not appreciate the nasty and mean comments left by many pagans on my site when I have said NOTHING mean, hateful, or demeaning about any of you. I don’t agree with your faith but I respect your right to believe what you want. I would appreciate the same respect. You have the right to say what YOU want to on your own site but NOT on mine. *
I totally respect all you have said and though I did choose to withdraw, I still support you all that are in the running for Top 25 and will continue to pray for you, vote for all the Christian blogs and cheer you all on with encouraging words! Be Blessed!
Shirley Rempel recently posted..The Lightkeepers Ball- A Book Review
Shirley, I totally respect you for withdrawing and with all that has gone on, I don’t blame you for leaving. It’s sad how ugly it’s gotten.
I wholeheartedly agree with this post!!! I didn’t realize how nasty it had gotten until I received an anonymous comment on my blog (which I moderate so I did not post it). When I traced the comment, to my horror I discovered some major drama going on behind the scenes of this contest. I almost withdrew too, but I’m just going to leave it there, for many of the same reasons you listed here. I’ve voted for you several times, because I do enjoy your blog a great deal!
Kimberly recently posted..The reality of sharing our story is sinking in
I’m sorry you got a mean comment. That’s just ridiculous. Part of why I didn’t want to say anything is because I don’t want to attract nasty commenters to my blog. No one deserves to be treated poorly over a silly contest!
Hi Melinda,
I came over from Kimberly, Mining for Diamonds blog and wanted to leave a comment to encourage you. I believe there is an awakening happening in Christians and we should stand up for what we believe in even if others are trashing us. Jesus was ridiculed and He told us we too, if we follow Him, will be ridiculed for our faith. I love this post here and how you are standing firm on the word of God. Good for you! If we are wearing the armour of God then the attacks should just bounce off of us.
Child of God recently posted..Addison Jo
I don’t know how I missed it, but I didn’t know anything about this contest. I read your post and wondered why women of different faiths would be nasty to each other. So, I clicked on the link to check out the competition for myself. Now I totally understand what you’re talking about. Many of the blogs are about things I would never have considered ‘faith.’ My fingers want to write more about this, but my heart tells me ‘enough said.’
Just this week my Bible study group was doing an in-depth study of the Last Supper. We were learning how Jesus handled conflict and crisis – calmly and by consulting the Father. This is exactly what you’ve done in this situation. You’ve stayed calm and I know you’ve prayed and asked for prayers before you ‘made a move.’ As someone who tends to run and hide under a rock during any crisis or conflict, I thank you for modeling this behavior for all of us.
Jan Messali recently posted..Kahlua Trifle
As a pagan woman, I’ve been sickened by what I’ve seen on the site as well… Woman against Woman, Community against Community, hateful words going every which way… it’s been absolutely awful and I know both sides have risen to protect their own. Thank you for this post, preaching love to those who are different from you, whether or not you agree with their teachings/ways of life.
Brightest Blessings,
Hailey Marie
Hailey Marie recently posted..Judgement
Thank you Hailey Marie, I appreciate your comment! I truly believe we can disagree w/o being hateful.
Just voted for you… #563
My reasons for entering were so similar…as well as for staying….
Thank you for sharing…and an encouraging piece is all of the new connections and friendships being formed.
Kara at The Chuppies recently posted..Beautiful Confession