Day 13 of 31 days of depression.
If you are dealing with your depression alone.
Stop it right now. Right here.
Who told you to fight this alone? Oh, I know. The enemy.
That’s just how he likes it. Lonely is one of the best places to get to you and at you.
Don’t do it anymore.
Worried about the questions? Here’s how to deflect them. Choose who you trust wisely. Pray about it. If a friend tends to be a gossip or always wants more info, don’t share with them.
A simple, “I am struggling with somethings right now and I could really use your prayers. I don’t want to talk about it right now. Just pray for me, okay?” should suffice for those who really care more about you, than they do about the latest gossip.
Sharing with those in your life still too risky? Reach out online. There are so many places to ask for prayer online. Klove offers prayer and their staff prays for those requests every single day. There are Facebook pages as well, though keep in mind these are public pages and anyone can see your request. A few of these are: Circle of Prayer, 1 Million Christians that Won’t Quit, and of course my fan page.
You are in a battle for your life. Reach out to the army that is ready, willing, and able to fight for you and along side you.
Do today:
- Memorize this scripture: He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalm 40:2
- Writing Prompt: Write your prayer requests, not just for yourself but for others as well. Record sites that you can go to when you need prayer for yourself. *If you would like a safe and free place to write, try this online journal at Penzu. It is password protected and you can even encrypt the journal if you need to. You can also use a fake name and junk email address for further protection. This way no one at home finds your personal diary entries.
- Pray: Lord, please help me to brave reaching out and asking for prayer. Guide me to those who are safe and will not gossip. Remind me to pray for others as well. In Jesus Name, Amen.
To purchase this song:Better Than A Hallelujah
The next 31 days we will be discussing depression and healthy ways to combat it but we’re going to get real too. Because for those of us who wind up in the pit often, we know platitudes and fluff pieces do nothing for us. My expertise is only based 0n my own very personal battles with depression and is no way, professional or medical advice. Your participation in this series is voluntary and Melinda Todd is not legally responsible for any choices or actions of participants. Participants release Melinda Todd and Trailing After God from responsibility and liability and continue at their own risk and discretion.
Lots of great encouragement and information here, Mel. Thanks so much for sharing from your heart.
Debbie Dillon recently posted..Bloom Anyway!
Hi Melinda – Thanks so much for this group of postings. This is a really important subject but so many people fee afraid to come forward and get the help they need. Your suggestions are wonderful and I’m sure many appreciate the lifeline that you are sending their way.
Thanks again,
Lisa Are Wulf – One Woman Sanctuary
Lisa Are Wulf – One Woman Sanctuary recently posted..Opportunity – Part II
OH, MEL! How could I miss these posts? How? I am one who does struggle (as a fellow survivor) – and am grateful for you sharing. Light is key…bringing all into the light. Keeping the light entering even by the tiniest glimmer of hope…I will have to back track. As one who battles, sometimes victoriously and sometimes, limpingly. (spell check hated that word- oh well) – But I am in a current season…and fighting. The words you write are true. I am grateful for a handful of faithful praying sisters who are trustworthy. There will always be those who miss the mark (ie gossip etc) I carefull guard- but it is key to balance the guarding without isolating, yes? Love and hugs to you. Will catch up with this series!
Dawn Paoletta recently posted..The Good Sport – When I Tackle My Hubby for Fitness
Dawn, I’m so sorry you are struggling or that we share this. I will be praying for you. I’m feeling kind of in a funk. Not fully down but certainly not feeling great either. I have a couple of friends who are trustworthy with it and others I have learned to not trust at all – that learning curve always hurts. I hope you have a good support system. I’m here for you always!! ♥