Valentine’s Day – Don’t Forget The Widows

Valentine’s Day comes every year and each year, it’s the one holiday that makes me cringe.

My husband and I are not big fans. We don’t need a reminder to show each other we love one another. I don’t need chocolates in a heart shaped box or flowers because the day dictates. I’d honestly prefer he do it on a random day, just because.

February 14th makes me think of those who are single but who long for nothing more than to be a part of a couple. And then my heart breaks further for the widows who are alone, not by choice or because they haven’t found the one to spend their days with. But because they’ve lived the “till death do us part” of their marriages.

As you set about loving your significant other tomorrow, may I put a small suggestion in your ear? Remember those who may not feel adored and loved. Leave a little love on their doorstep on Valentine’s Day because God calls us to love our brothers and sisters and to take care of the widows.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35


  1. What a loving suggestion that we all should do! Thanks Mel. Bright blessings…
    Shanyn recently posted..An audience of One

  2. Wonderful reminder, Mel. Thank you. My husband and I don’t observe Valentine’s Day either. Just because it isn’t important to us doesn’t mean it isn’t important to those who are alone.

  3. Hello Mel,
    Belated Happy Valentine’s! Better late than never, what you think? And same to all the bloggers out there!

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