1.2 million children have been sold into sex slavery. 1 in 3 runaways in the USA are approached by sex traffickers within 48 hours. How long will we pretend that slavery and sex trafficking isn’t going on? Today, I challenge you to watch this video and then do your own research. Abolition International is a great place to start. As well as, Traffic Stop.
Can we live with ourselves if we turn our backs?
Abolition International Launch Video from Abolition International on Vimeo.
Thanks for sharing this Mel! We have so much we can do right here at home, we shouldn’t get distracted by things far away.
Shanyn recently posted..Woman of God
Hi Mel,
This video tells us to NOT forget that this is a problem all around the world. Even though we have so much of this going on here…..a lot of these girls are coming from other countries to this country. I believe that we need to get involved with this whole mess, whether it is in this country….or other countries.
Thanks for sharing this,
Of course, my point on using some of the US stats is for those who think it’s not happening here.