The season of giving is upon us. You can spend your days anxious and running around busy malls and stores trying to find that perfect gift for those individuals on your list.
Or you can honor a family member by donating to one of the top charities and give someone the gift of life.
Map International gives hope through food, medicine, live stock, health care, clean water, and much more to those around the world who would otherwise go without.
We take for granted the $20 bill in our wallets. Instead of buying another knick-knack that will sit on a shelf and collect dust, that $20 could provide pain relief for 470 people or feed a child in Bolivia for 2 months!
Right now, your gift will be doubled for every dollar up to $50,000! Imagine the lives that can be changed!
Ways that MAP International Helps:
- Water and Sanitation – In 2010 and 2011 MAP assisted 8 countries allowing 10,000 people access to clean water everyday.
- Medical Supplies and Services – More than $250 million in aid every year.
- Neglected Tropical Diseases – MAP helped eradicate Guinea worm disease with the help of UNICEF and The Carter Center from Cote d’Ivoire.
- Maternal and Child Health – Training of health professionals and providing health services for mothers and children as well as providing services and rehabilitation for those suffering the ramifications from sexual abuse.
- Total Health Village – A comprehensive program allowing communities to learn to care for themselves.
- Transformational Missions – Short term medical missions teams to connect with their long term medical missionaries.
- Disaster Relief – Humanitarian medical aid and relief in times of disasters.
If you are looking to provide someone with a wonderful gift this holiday season, look no further. Skip the trinkets and give life this Christmas. Your gifts matter. When we change lives we all benefit.
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25: 40