Live Unscripted – Be Real

overlook an offense

The other night I spent the evening with some Christian gals. The vehicle filled with laughter and jabber jawing to and from the event.

And then came the request for advice. While this sweet friend shared her struggle, she let a couple curse words slip.

And in that moment I felt my own walls crumble into a heaping pile.


Because she let her words come out unscripted. Vulnerable. Real.

There are folks who wouldn’t have heard the rest of what she said as they focused on their offense to those small words.

I won’t be one of them. I can’t be since this is one of my own struggles. Swearing.

I don’t want to be one of those who is offended by it. The distraction of a word from the flesh and bone of the human being sitting in front of me sharing their heart. I only want to see that vulnerable woman. Or man.

The one God loves despite a curse word. Or any other distraction.

No matter what. Like Jesus.

Like. Jesus.

And that’s the best thing we can do as His people.


Mel signature


Missional Women


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  1. Great post, Mel!

  2. What a great post! I think this is one of the hardest things for Chrisians to do is to look beyond the seemingly “tarnished” exterior or language or past or whatever it is and just love and listen. Loving unconditionally and showing compassion and tenderness unconditionally is not just for “the people who have it all together, saying and doing all the proper things”, it should be freely given regardless of the person, actions, situation that is laid before them. And I think a big, big, big hiccup to that is inaccurately believing that ignoring it or showing compassion regardless of it means that you would be condoning particular things. First of all, love and compassion to someone with “faults” does NOT condone the faults, two, we all have our secret faults and sins so we have no right to sit in judgment of others faults just because they are ‘different’ from our own, and three, God himself does not consider degrees of sins (swearing over adultery or lying over stealing) and yet, consider what great love He has heaped upon us and consider the gospels when Jesus shows such great compassion to the “sinners” of His day especially in view of the condemnation of the pharisaical church leaders. You have struck upon a huge issue that really deserves more attention and teaching within our churches and circles. Why are we so afraid of loving and showing compassion if people offend our own consciences? May we come to own this very important principle you taught today! Great article.

    • Thank you so much for your encouragement Heidi! I really appreciate that. I think even in Christian circles we still get too caught up in the outward appearance. I say I’m a Christian which means I have to act this certain way. We know that other believers are watching us, as well as non-believers. Saved doesn’t equal perfect. I think we’d do a lot more healing if we did a lot more being real šŸ™‚

  3. There’s something amazing about raw honesty, when you trust someone enough to let the real you spill out. As Christians, we live so much behind our masks of “I’m fine.” Great post. (I’m visiting from SITS – happy to be part of your group.)

  4. Cristina @ Filling my Prayer Closet

    Great post.

    I think sometimes, as a failed (already in the womb) person, it’s hard to remember that others are that way too. It’s often in the struggle to be better that we can forget that others are the same, and in that sameness we should embrace.

    It’s a small inward transition but definitely one worth exposing as a starting point towards grace.

    Cristina @ Filling my Prayer Closet recently posted..Our Time for Prayer with Psalm 119

  5. Amen!!! I definitely feel that we, as believers, need to love on others and not get so caught up in the little problems we find with them. God’s the one working on their hearts, we are the ones who are just called to love on others.
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  6. This is a great post! I love the transparency and that you are not afraid of being vulnerable. A great opportunity to demonstrate God’s love and the grace of mercy and forgiveness.

    Visiting from SITS and is happy to be a part of your group.
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