How To Minister Right Where You Are

“I can’t,” is a cop out. So knock it off.

I’ve heard people say they don’t know how to minister to others. Or that because they aren’t a pastor, they don’t feel comfortable ministering to others. What if they say the wrong thing or don’t know the right answer? Or they’re too poor to really make a difference anywhere.

I don’t buy it. Here’s why. We can each minister for free. There is no cost to praying with someone or offering an encouraging word. It is free to become an accountability partner or to offer childcare so a struggling couple can go on a date night.

But this takes self sacrifice and that is where the price comes in. Time is free when we give selflessly.

Step outside of yourself where ever you are. Stop the internal conversation that keeps you from observing and engaging those around you. Is there someone that is upset and needs prayer? Someone at church who is crying during service and needs a hug and someone to care?

When we are so wrapped up in ourselves, we miss opportunities to be a minister for Christ. And when people come into contact with other Christians – whether at church or in the community – and they don’t feel like anyone cares for them, it pushes them further from a decision to trust Christ with their life.

We can lay all the responsibility on our pastors. I mean that’s their job, right? But they can’t be everywhere all the time. It’s our job too. It is a blessing to be called upon to minister to someone. Don’t let it pass you by.

Ask the Lord to show you who you can influence today for Him. He will not let you down. Be willing to do what ever it is He lays on your heart!

Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2

Is it hard for you to pray with a stranger? Have you ever been on the other end and felt like no one cared or were ignored in a time of crisis?



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Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /


  1. Mel….what a great article….Especially the scripture about entertaining angels!!

  2. Mel, your words strike home. After two months at the Cancer Clinic with my husband your message rings loud and clear. I waited, whole, healthy. With a choice before me. Would I engage in conversation with those others who waited, those who faced uncertain futures and uncertain diagnosis? I chose to be bold and ask about their reasons for being there, and asked the Lord for words of comfort and encouragement for them. We shed tears together, laughed together and formed a bond unlike any other. I chose to give and bless even though sometimes it felt like the hardest thing to do. I know my husband and I made a difference in the lives of others during that time because we chose to be able ministers of the gospel. When we choose, God Himself makes us able.
    Jeannie Pallett recently posted..Do our words build a throne for our King

    • Jeannie, that is wonderful to read. I know for me, that would have been a challenge to step out of the comfort zone and minister like that! Way to go in listening to God’s prompt.

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