We are commanded to love one another. To lay down our life for our friends. But what exactly does that look like?
Have you made a commitment to your friends? Think about that. We make a lifetime commitment to our spouses but we leave our friendships dangling and potentially disposable.
What if we made a commitment to our friends to be there for the long haul? Does that cause your heart to race a bit with fear? At first it did mine too but here’s the deal; Christ is in each of us, which means He’s given us the ability to do it. He commands us to love; commands us to forgive. When we set our eyes on those two things, we can make a commitment to love our friends and forgive them when they make a mistake.
Do Today:
- Write your friends a letter or card committing to your friendship for life. I know it is tempting to do this via email or some other media source but don’t. Send it in your own handwriting.
- Tell them why you treasure their friendship.
- Explain why you are committing to loving and forgiving them for life.
- State how you will be a good friend.
- Commit to seeing the goodness in each friend, even when they hurt you. If they are a good friend, their goodness far outweighs an occasional slip up.
- Thank God for the precious friendships He has placed in your life and ask Him to bless those relationships.
What do you think? Can you commit to a friendship for life?
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.John 15:12
PS Today’s photo is of my bestie and I at her wedding. We’ve been bff’s for 26 almost 30 years!
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