I’m sharing a yummy, low carb recipe today! One that is super easy to make and looks really pretty. Perfect for making for a get together at your home this weekend or taking with to a party or pot luck. Who doesn’t love a great recipe?
I want my life to say ‘welcome’, don’t you? I want my home to say welcome as well. That will take some work because well, to put it simply. I am domestically challenged. Oh, I can cook and I can clean but I am not good at keeping my house up in a way that allows for company to drop over without my insides flip flopping with humiliation. I’ve heard it mentioned as CHAOS. Can’t Have Anyone Over. Yep, that can be me but I am getting better!
I want to be able to invite guests over for dinner at the drop of a hat. If someone’s having a bad day, I want to say, “Come to dinner. Let me pamper you and your family with a meal.” But I can’t always do this.
And this is where shame creeps into my home. I’m ashamed that I don’t do a better job. That my kids’ bedrooms look like a tornado went through it, twice. And sometimes the bathroom needs more than a quick wipe down in order for someone to come over. I have three boys, enough said.
I’ve been working on it. I’m getting better. Yesterday I had company for dinner and I was able to get the house in acceptable order in about 45 minutes. Not bad. Now, I said acceptable. Kids bedrooms were still atrocious. I shut the doors. But for the most part it was good enough.
Good enough, is good enough for me most of the time. I grew up in a home that was always company ready and shiny clean but I felt like all we ever did was clean. So I have to find a balance. If folks are really coming to see your house and not you, that seems like an issue with them. But I know I have more to learn and more tweaks to continue to make. I’ll get there.
Do you struggle with keeping up a home that is company ready? Do you struggle with perfection or good enough? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Okay, okay, on to the recipe.
Cucumber Cups Stuffed With Spicy Crab:
I got this recipe from the lovely Domestic Fits. You can click here to get her beautiful recipe. Here is what mine looked like when finished.
Remember, check out my favorite dessert, turtle cake. Chocolate. Caramel. Nuts. Hot. Melty. Unbelievable.
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25
What is your favorite get together recipe?

“Hit and Run Cleaning”…. for people [like me] with cleaning emotional triggers. Happens to work!
Pingback: Hospitality ~ Decorations and Turtle Cake |
Hey Melinda Todd, thanks you very much for sharing this yummy recipe with us. I am going to try this today for my dinner.
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