Calm My Anxious Heart, Lord

For the past several weeks I have been suffering with severe anxiety over my husband. I can’t pinpoint what triggered it but my concern for his safety and life went from, what if something happens to him? To ,what if he dies and I am left alone for life and I didn’t love him enough while he was here and the kids and I will be homeless and I will miss him so much I might not be functional and my kids will be damaged for ever and, and, and….

My stomach clenched, breathing became difficult, while my heart rate increased. Frozen in fear.

God’s word says he has not given us an anxious spirit, or a spirit of fear, and He will take care of us. Yet, I was physically panicking and frozen at times, losing sleep, and not able to take my thoughts captive.

Do I need to see a doctor? Do I need anxiety medication? What is wrong with me? What if all of this is a premonition that something’s going to happen?

I prayed for help. I prayed for my husband and his safety. And I continued to worry.

A few weeks into this anxiety ridden inner turmoil, God spoke to me mid-story in a novel by Francine Rivers. The wife in the story had made her husband her God.

Face palm.

Aha! That is exactly what I had been doing. I was making my husband my own God. Yikes! While I adore my husband (I have seriously been blessed in this department), I have to trust God with all of my life, even the scary part of losing my beloved man.

Is there an area in your life where you haven’t fully surrendered to God? Do you suffer from anxiety and worry? Has God ever spoken to you in a unique way? Please feel free to share in the comments section below.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6



  1. Wonderfully done post Mel! I am a control person, a planning person, a rock for everyone. I fear losing control, not being there for them. I have to surrender that to God, and trust Him to lead and care for us. It isn’t easy.

    I’m struggling too, with how to deal with an attack upon me by someone I thought I could trust, from a place where I was offering help not being a threat. I just am so confused!
    Shanyn recently posted..Trust is the issue

  2. Found your blog after you visited mine (over at In Others’ Words.)
    I appreciated your honesty & can understand the struggle between anxiety and trust. One thing I’ve learned: I can either worry or I can pray. I can’t do both.

  3. That was a great post, Mel. Isn’t God good to answer us when we cry to Him. And the real freedom we have in Him is beyond anything this world has to offer. Thanks so much for sharing yourself.

  4. Hey Mel, Excellent post that I needed to read. February was a month of anxiety, fear, wonderment of what’s to come. You see, I have to have knee surgery at the end of March, and was freaking out with all these emotions. I had a very bad surgery years ago, and was worried that this one would not turn out the way it’s supposed to. I read everything I could get my hands on, and also had a friend to talk some sense into me. Then I realized all of a sudden that my faith was wandering away from God. That’s not what I wanted. So all of a sudden, I knew that I wanted to be in God’s presence again. Someone told me that God already knows the outcome of the surgery…..that go me to thinking. I know that God is with me every step of the way.
    Thanks and God Bless

    • Donna, hugs and prayers for you as you go into surgery this month. I’ve had major knee surgery. I remember how bad my anxiety was before it! I’m looking at some surgeries this year too. Not looking forward to that. I’m glad you chose to get into God’s word and that a wise friend helped you! If I can pray for you the day of your surgery, please let me know!

      • Hey Mel,
        Thanks for your response……and yes I would love for you to pray for me while I’m having my surgery. It will be on March 26 and I will be in the hospital about 4/5 days.
        Thank you for offering your prayers and thoughts to me on this day.

  5. Hey Melinda – its so amazing how God works in our lives. just when I think he’s not paying attention to me he sends me a message. I have been suffering with horrible anxiety for months now, mostly brought on by work stress but also combined with home stress. I have been consumed to the point of feeling panick, can’t put together a complete thought, just totally out of sorts. Your article came at just the right time. I knew in my heart that I had not turned this over to God and that I surely must do that in order to function normally again. Thank you so much for your dedication to sharing your life for God’s glory.

    • Thanks, Karen! I’m so glad knows how and when to tell us something 🙂 And then prompts to share it. Praying for you to have some peace!

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