He Leads Me Beside Quiet Waters


Woven By Words

Mama to 4 Blessings

Empowering Mommy

Melinda Todd


  1. Lovely picture and wonderful Scripture. Those comforting and encouraging Bible verses from Psalm 23 are such a joy! Thank you.
    Kaye Swain recently posted..Encouraging Bible Verses For The Sandwich Generation- A Love Valentine From God to Us!

  2. Hi 🙂 You are the reason I started Word Filled Wednesdays! 🙂 Thank you so much, I never really liked the idea of Wordless Wednesdays, just because I can never not say a Word!
    I absolutely fell inlove with the idea of writing about the Word and putting a picture with the Word of God in it!

    Would you like to see what I posted for first Word filled Wednesdays?

    I love how He guides and shepherds us into green pastures and quiet waters! He is a good shepherd!
    nathania recently posted..Olivers Labels Review

  3. Ah, we were just talking about this verse last night… it soothes my soul.
    Heidi recently posted..The Stylish Blogger Award!

  4. So perfect for a cloudy afternoon that has been marked by busy-ness…..Perfect timing! Perfect Word!

    loved it!
    lori recently posted..Grace- Faith- Love…

  5. very encouraging! one of my favorite verses!

  6. A perfect bible verse to start my beautiful morning. Good morning to everyone!


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