Proverbs 26:21


Wordless Weds with Mama to 4 Blessings

Wordless Weds with Woven By Words

Melinda Todd


  1. Hi Melinda, What a great illustration for this important Scripture from the Word of God. Thank you for a good reminder on this Word-Filled Wednesday and your lovely visit as well.

  2. Good one! Hey I love the photo of you looking over your Bible…meant to tell you that before! Great photo and verse…Happy WFW!
    kelli recently posted..A Week Dedicated to YOU

  3. Great post. Vivid image. Thank you!

  4. Great pic for the verse! πŸ™‚ Have a blessed day!
    Sherry recently posted..Heavenly Preparations

  5. I LOVE it when the image and the Word speak for itself! This was fantastic Mel! So glad you are joining us…it’s awesome to have you! Peace, lori
    lori recently posted..two or three…

  6. Blessings Mel… It only takes a spark… and sadly that can go either way! Such an excellent Word and vivid photo that burns this verse deep! May the words out of our mouths stir PEACE and turn away the quarrelsome spirit! May every word we speak edify God, His peace and His Presence and when they don’t that we are quick to admit and ask forgiveness. May our spirit kindle more of His Love than strife in our homes and in our hearts! Just as charcoal to embers and wood to fire eventually turn to ashes, may we bestow a crown of beauty instead of ashes or from the ashes so that we are quick to stir hearts TO God as Jesus not FROM God as we often have done! Thanks Mel for this meaningful WFW and your words of encouragement on my blog as well as
    adding my name to your prayers. That spoke life and hope to me this day! Bless you!

    Peace and JOY,
    Peggy recently posted..BREAKTHROUGH IDOLATRY

  7. Mel, Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog, I love the verse and photo, Awesome! Many Blessings, I will be following you on FB. I have a fan page too hope you will stop by! Deborah

  8. Wow, what a great picture to illustrate this verse.
    Wanda recently posted..Refuse to Lose Ground

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