Have you ever run into a bitter Christian and wondered how they got that way?
The other day I watched about 5 minutes of The View . I listened as Whoopi ranted about how Christians throw away their own when they make a mistake. I hated listening to what she had to say but she’s right.
I’ve been in the back pews. The whispers of “hidden sin” and the ones who don’t bother to whisper and say it to your face. The pastor who preached, “You deserved what happened to you.”
Alone is an ugly place to live. Wounds that charred my heart were not my own doing and never deserved. Never.
I don’t believe in a God who allows a child to be sinned against and says, “You deserved it.”
I believe in a God who says, “I love you. I’m with you through it all and you are going to be a voice for those who cannot speak up. I’ve healed your heart, now go out and show others I will do it for them.”
If someone tells you that you deserved your abuse, don’t believe it. You’ll never heal in that place because only bitterness will take hold.
And it’s a lie of the sickest kind.
You never deserve abuse of any kind. Ever.
Don’t believe it and don’t spread it!
Depression and suicidal thoughts may have absolutely nothing to do with a person’s sin.
Yes, I said nothing.
Next time you see someone in a place of brokenness; hug them, love them, pray for them and with them.
And then shut up.
*If this post spoke to you, like it and share it! Maybe it’s a message someone you know needs to hear.
The tongue has the power of life and death,
and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21
Amen sister! Duane’s post was very good and yours spoke straight to the heart. We never deserve it, we didn’t ask for it and our Lord loves us, wounded through to the healing. Wonderfully written. Bless you…and your closing lines are right on!
Shanyn recently posted..Heart’s overflow
Powerful post, Mel. God bless you in sharing your story with others and God bless the ministry that has come from it.
I prayed for you this morning ~ may He richly bless you and your family 🙂
Debbie Dillon recently posted..How He Reaches Us
So amazing and true, Mel. Sandy Patty has a wonderful book about this very thing called “Broken in the Back Row”. It is a powerful story.
We have to be able to go from being victims to victors!
Something bad may have happened to us in our past, but God will turn into something for good. He will use our circumstances to help another soul through the mess in their head. You just never know how your being brave and sharing a small part of your brokeness can help someone else begin to heal.
God bless you!
Mel, I LOVE this!! Blessings to you sweet lady for sharing and opening up your heart for all to see.
I think many of us have been hurt in this area and sadly, Whoopie is right. We tear apart our brothers and sisters in Christ instead of just simply loving them. There are times where no words are needed, just the tender touch of love inspired by God.
Love ya girl,
Robin Prater recently posted..Step Back Away From The Scissors
That is wonderful, Mel!
We see in a glass darkly. The body of Christ is filled with gangly, immature parts. We’re like adolescents, awkward and self-conscious, tripping over our own feet and suffering the embarrassment of unruly pubescence. The good news is that this, too, shall pass. The body of Christ will stabilize and mature. It’s a mystery how God will bring it about, but He WILL bring it about. We must trust God to bring us through, even in these painful, embarrassing circumstances.
Diane Yuhas recently posted..Comment on In All Things God Works by Diane Yuhas
that’s the best thing I’ve ever heard said about christians. I had to repost it on my fb. thx for sharing. 🙂
I had a friend once who was broken.
And he’s no longer here because someone told him it was his fault.
And I’ve learned this: It isn’t too late, until it is.
Thank you for speaking out about this.
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