Why We DO Need Women’s Ministries

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34

I’m sure you’ve seen this article >>Why We Don’t Need Women’s Ministries<<<. I think it’s gone viral in the Christian world. I get what she’s saying. Agree with her even and applaud her for starting a discussion about this topic. To a point.

We need to meet the heart’s need for Jesus. First and foremost. When we do that, everything else falls into place.

I personally don’t care to go to another women’s tea. That’s not my ‘cup of tea’ however, it’s not about me. I know, shocker. Some woman might really need that tea time. She needs the comradre of other women believers to just hang with. To laugh and giggle and sip tea with. And that ministers to her heart and her needs. That’s what matters.

I get that the author is saying she needs more genuine relationships and gettin’ down with Jesus in the word, time. We all need that. We can never have too much of it.

In the busy world we live in, there’s not enough fellowship time together. I haven’t met a woman yet who doesn’t need that time. It’s priceless.Whether it be making cute cupcakes, learning how to cook, or scrapbooking, it’s time we need to have and is generally far and few between.

And there has to be a balance between the meaty, gritty time in God’s word together and having a little fun. I imagine Jesus smiling, a lot, despite the serious message He needed to make clear. We can have that too. The two are not an either or but should be married together in a delicate balance.

That takes time, effort, and cooperation. If the women’s ministry in your church is lacking, step up and help out. It would be ideal to see the women’s ministry committee be balanced with ages but that isn’t something we can always control. So we do the best we can, with the resources we have. If you aren’t willing to step up and be part of the solution, then don’t complain.

Don’t be part of that 80/20 rule within churches. 20% of the folks doing all the work.

If you want an intimate bible study where you can dig in deep, start one. Do it in your own home if you want. Don’t sit back and wish for it!

We’re smart women! We can make a difference and we can change things when they are askew. We need women’s ministries! We need each other!

Don’t knock someone else’s need for fellowship via tea time or cooking lessons. Keep things balanced so we get fed by the spirit and then by time together.

My favorite part of what the author had to say was to be authentic. Let’s get real! Because when we’re honest, relationships develop much faster and are more fulfilling.

And if we’re in ministry, we have to leave room for discussion. If we can’t hear what someone has to say because it comes across as a criticism, perhaps our hearts aren’t right because pride is getting in the way of the listening. Are we meeting the needs of the majority of the women or the select few who have the privilege of being on the committee?

If you’re in women’s ministries, what do you find to be the most challenging? What have you found that works and what doesn’t? Share your insights, stories, and opinions in the comments below!



  1. I find it challenging to be involved in women’s ministry because few voices are heard. And the unpopular tones are not even listened to…at all. Frustrating to witness. I know I shouldn’t separate myself, I should continue to attend, love, and pray, but sometimes I just need the break.
    We do have a small ladies Bible study that is quite enjoyable. :0)
    Judi Splint recently posted..Standing on the Rock

  2. The biggest thing that interferes with ministry as a whole is the “I” complex. It doesn’t matter if it’s womens’ ministry or worship ministry or the nursery…if the only thing that matters is what “I” want or what another person wants, you are NOT going to have an effective ministry. God is truly the ONLY one that matters when it comes to ministry. YOU do not.

    • Totally agree Kirsten!

      • After reading all the incredible negatively energized comments I have seen this morning (not just on this blog but many others) when I was simply trying to look into women’s ministries in churches…It was refreshing to see your comment! It isn’t about YOU! If you don’t like girly stuff and would rather hang with guys rather than girls or play in the dirt and bring store bought cookies to a meeting….fine. I don’t think its loving to look down on that desire because we are all different…but in the same way it isn’t right to insult women who enjoy crafts, pink flowers, baking and homemaking. I can’t help but notice the jabs that are coming across loud and clear. Kinda sad….Believe me I’m the first to say that I wasn’t an active participant in women’s Bible studies or meetings over the years because of some of the reasons stated. That being too much gossip or just a cry fest with nothing Scriptural being accomplished. But do we throw it all out?

  3. I enjoyed reading both the article and your comments.
    At our church, bible studies seem to always turn into gossiping/complaint circles. Very frustrating.
    My husband and I went on a Koinonia faith walk a couple of years ago. Koinonia is similar to Walk to Emmaus, Via de Christo or the Crusillo movement. In Koinonia, we have found true “community” that crosses religions. It’s all about learning a better way of loving each other and sharing our struggles and praises with each other, which doesn’t happen in church settings. I think it is because most people “go to church” instead of seeing themselves AS the church, and going to “worship”. The brothers and sisters in Christ that I have met through Koinonia are very authentic, and feel more like a family than our “church” family.

    • I agree, it’s very easy for church get togethers to turn into gossip fests or complaint fests. We all have the power to put an end to that. We all need to learn what is appropriate to share and what is not etc. And sometimes, I think we need to have permission to stand strong and say, “this isn’t the best place for this discussion. Let’s talk about something else.” But we’re so afraid of ruffling feathers that we remain silent while someone over shares. It’s so tough!

      • Last time that happened, I just picked up my stuff and quietly left.
        I like your comment about saying this isn’t the best place for this discussion!

        • It can be so hard. Our moms group could go that way if we weren’t careful. We got to where we would often remind at the beginning that we were there to glorify God, not to husband bash etc. But we don’t control others… I think we can say things in a kind and gentle way but we need to be taught HOW. Instead of just getting quiet or feeling like you had to leave.. That’s not fair to those who don’t want to listen to that kind of talk.

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