“A body shop? That sounds like a terrible place.” My 9 year old daughter said as we drove through town tonight. I laughed and explained the definition of a body shop. Not the creepy zombie place she was envisioning.
Of course, one of my first thoughts was that I had to share her cuteness on Facebook. And then I began to contemplate, how many of my memories are saved on Facebook on my timeline. Precious treasures I didn’t tuck into a baby book like a good mama. Nope.
7 years worth of memories, pictures, and real life are captured on Facebook.
Relationships with family members who live across the USA. Loved ones I might never see again, but engage with regularly on Facebook.
Friends living in other parts of the world I can chat and stay in touch with because of Facebook.
Rich lives being lived out and they’re sharing with me. My own mama who lives almost 1,000 miles away has access to event photos and discussions in real time.
And yet, we feel entitled to complain about this amazing platform that someone else spent their time, energy, and money to create. We complain when it changes (ahem, I am guilty of this as well). We complain about ads.
Take a moment to think about how much Facebook costs to run on the back end. Those of us who own our websites can tell you, it’s not cheap!
Why do we feel entitled to complain about something we use for FREE?
Can you imagine creating this amazing website that allows the WORLD to connect with one another, allows people to save their photos, give it to the world for free, and have folks complain and whine about it? Good gravy. We are some seriously entitled peeps.
We do not have a right to use Facebook.
We need to be grateful for this network that’s been given to us for free.
I can now communicate with friends in a developing country. I can encourage missionaries all over the world. I have the ability to impact other believers all over the world if I so choose. What a gift.
Let us count our blessings.
What are your thoughts? Would you pay to use Facebook – no Facebook isn’t charging to use it, this is just to get you thinking about it in a different way. Why are you thankful for Facebook? What has it changed in your life?
Feel free to like and share this post if it made you think.