What A Friend We Have In Jesus

Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.
Prov 27:6

Isn’t that true?  When you think about Christ being your friend, how does it make you feel?  Do you truly have any friends who would die for you, even though you were the guilty party and they were innocent?

I’m sure we’d all like to think we have deep, loyal friends who would do anything for us.  I know I have a few who would go to great lengths for me but not so sure that any of them would die to save me.  Sometimes thinking about what Christ has done for me, makes my brain hurt.  It’s too much to take in.

Is He your friend?  He should be.  As a believer, He should be your friend.  You should be able to tell Him anything and everything.  When you need a confidante, He is there.  When you are angry, even with Him, He’s there.  He’s always waiting for you and He can handle what ever life throws you.

He’s got you by the hand and sometimes in His arms because often, life can be too much.  If you are struggling to let something go, tell Him.  Say it out loud and let the best friend you will ever have, know.  Tell it all to Him.  Especially if it’s sensitive and you don’t feel like you can share with others.  Sometimes there are things that are better left between you and the Lord.

If I can pray for you today, with what ever you are going through, please leave me a prayer request above on the Request Prayer form.  Prayer requests are completely confidential and unlike a comment, no one will see them but me.


One Comment

  1. I love this. We are no longer slaves but friends! It is amazing to experience the cross daily. To really abide in the fact that Jesus suffered, dies, and was raised on the third day just for us. He alone is worthy!:) Love that photo too!
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