Wear Gratitude


I tiptoed into Dad’s room and stopped in the doorway not knowing what to expect. He was dying. Cancer seeped into his body and ravaged it. The distinct smell of antiseptics and illness attacked my nostrils. I expected to find him asleep as usual, but he was wide awake and grinning from ear to ear. His hair still damp from being submerged in a tub for his baptism.

Full of renewed energy he waved us into the room. I grabbed his frail hand and rubbed the thin skin. “You had your baptism?”

He gave me a thumbs up and a cheshire cat grin.

“I’m so proud of you.” I hugged his skeletal form and choked back the tears. I knew he would let go now. His last wish now fulfilled.

I kissed his head and told him I loved him after our visit, knowing in my gut this might be the last time I saw him alive and likely the last time he would be smiling.

The next night Dad passed into the arms of Jesus. While my heart hurt over the loss – and it was hard, we had a very complicated relationship – I rejoiced that we’d been given a second chance with him, if only for a couple short months. To this day, I’m grateful for how the Lord changed our lives in those last days.

Grateful for the release from the anger for things in the past. Grateful for forgiveness and redemption. You can read more of our story: Redemption of Hearts

Gratitude doesn’t always come easy for me. I admit, when I start counting my blessings and being grateful for everything, there is a huge paradigm shift in my life. Like a contagious virus, gratefulness spreads when we share it with the world.

What situation are you dealing with right now that is causing struggle? Is there anything in it to be grateful for?

If you have a parent or relationship that needs healing, leave a comment and I will pray for them too. Never give up! Never stop praying!




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  1. I so enjoy reading your posts Mel. God bless!

  2. Hi Melinda,

    Well that brought me to tears because my Dad fought cancer for over 42 years and I lost him 10 years ago and was there when he passed. The entire family was, we refused to leave his side.

    Gratitude is something I’m full of. I won’t bore you with my history but my Dad was ill my entire life. The last 12 years of his life he had Parkinson’s and my Mom had breast cancer as well as three cases of skin cancer.

    I’ve lost friends over the years in unexpected deaths and I just lost my best friend of 17 years almost two months ago now of a heart attack at the age of 44. Four days after his birthday and three days before mine.

    But with all that crap I’m so very blessed and grateful. I have so much to be thankful for because as I watch all the bad things that happen to other people I have my health. I have my family, great relationships with my friends, my home, my dog, my faith. I’ve had some rough goes with things in my life too but when you look at the bigger picture, they just aren’t very important in the grand scheme of things.

    I’m so glad you were able to heal things with your Dad before be passed because that something you just don’t want to live with the rest of your life.

    I know they are all in a much better place but I just miss them so very much. Never having another conversation or giving them a hug. I will someday I know.

    Thanks for sharing this with us, I know it must have been hard.


    • Thank you, Adrienne! Oh, saying good-bye to loved ones sucks. I’m so very thankful for the healing my Dad and I got because I was so damaged from it before. Now when I remember him, I remember the good things and the lessons I learned from the tough times. I’m so very sorry for your loss of your Dad and recently, your best friend πŸ™ I can’t even imagine how painful that must be. Thank you for stopping by to read and comment. I greatly appreciate it!

  3. Hi Melinda,

    Nice to see you on your side of blogging πŸ™‚

    Wow, your story made me tear up. How great it is that you could make peace with your dad before he passed. I think that it so important.

    I have a very sad story of mine that I am planning to put in my personnel development book. To put it short, my brother has stopped talking to me back in 2010 and by the same token cut me from my aunt and my mother who’s dying from Alzheimer. My mother was my life.

    All I was allowed to do is email him and he would email me back. No hello, no nothing. Just pictures of my mother.

    When I dropped that email address I decided not to give him my new one. At this point he doesn’t even know if I’m dead or alive. I have today zero family member who knows if I’m alive or dead. None!

    I grew up in a loving family and I’ve always loved my brother. I always will. He’s my little brother for ever. But this is what religions does to people. All this happen when I left the religion. Very sad, indeed.

    • Sylviane,
      I’m so sorry to hear the story of your family and brother. Families are so crazy complicated, aren’t they? My heart breaks for you during this time of separation. I will keep you and your family in my prayers; for complete family healing for you all.

  4. God bless you richly melinda, for inspiring and healing minds with your personal encounter, I sincerely wish to make peace with my dads family and pray that God gives me the grace for total forgiveness against the injustice done to me..God bless you and keep up the great work!

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