We Are Given A Sound Mind

This resonates so much with me and what I have been through that I had to share this with you all.  Such an important message! Please listen to this message!  We will be talking about this topic more in the coming weeks and posts.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Cor 10:5

If you need steps to work through forgiveness, this ebook will give you solid biblical start to healing.  Only $0.99 available in pdf or kindle at amazon.com

Melinda Todd


  1. Thanks for sharing this Mel.I think everyone can learn from this 😉

  2. Hi,I’m Tania,you stopped by my blog and I really enjoyed having you there,I like Lori Copeland too.
    And I’d love to recieve a free copy of your book,it seems a touching book..
    Thanks again.


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