The Garment Covers All

His Garment Covers All

He approaches with the garment,
arms extended towards me,
the gown is so pristine, so glorious and perfect,
it’s painful to look at.
I turn my face away,
ashamed of all I am, of all I’ve been.
Tears stream down,
their salty taste makes me more aware of my pain.
He comes closer, kindness, love, mercy, grace
pour from his veins and splash upon my legs.
Come! He commands, with compassion and gentleness.
No, no I cannot.
I am so damaged, so broken, so ugly.
Come, my child.
Oh Lord, I will ruin your reputation.
My dirt will ruin that perfect white robe.
Come, my love.  I have come so that you may have life.
I am enough.

First a trickle, then a continuous stream flows from my head to my toes.
I am covered, completely covered by the blood.
Jagged scars, blanketed.
Ugliness, glistens with jewels.
The white, beautiful robe is wrapped around my shoulders.
A kiss to my temple, tingles to my soul,
I’m different.
Set apart, loved, called His.
One so undeserving, hurt, and unlovable,
becomes the daughter of the most High.
Drenched in His love, the perfect love,
the love desired and longed for,
the love searched for among the rubble,
among the broken, among the wicked.
Now made new.
A new creation, a new life.
Freed from bondage,
judgments of others.
A new creation to love, dream, and hope.
A future poured fourth in eternity.
In His love.
Only in His love.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Cor 5:17

I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.  Isaiah 61:10


  1. Beautiful! Thank you for the reminder that we are new in Him! Have a wonderfully, blessed weekend Mel!

  2. This is beautiful, Mel!

    Thanks for entering my giveaway! 🙂
    Kate {The Parchment Girl} recently posted..Giveaway Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado

  3. Beautiful! as are you, Daughter Dear!! xoxoxo

  4. Beautiful! Makes you so grateful for His grace! 🙂

  5. Oh Mel, what a beautiful end to an interesting day. Thank you and bless you, sister.
    Dawn Dausman recently posted..Sad Eyes

    • Dawn, I’ve been so blessed by your blog and scriptures! I think we’re kindred spirits! Thank you for stopping by!

  6. I have been following you on facebook, and I always love your posts. They always touch my heart. Thanks for coming by my blog, too.
    Catherine recently posted..Happy Friday!

  7. Simply beautiful Mel…what a powerful message of hope and redemption. Thank you for sharing such intimate, honest thoughts.

    It’s lovely to make your acquaintance…thank you for your visit and kind words!

    Hugs & Blessings,
    Becky Schultea recently posted..The Experiment- Paper Bag Journal

  8. Mel, you are a beautiful and talented writer. Thank you for the blessing of reading this today!
    Stephanie Clayton recently posted..Delivery anyone!!

  9. Love, love, love this! You have such a wonderful gift when telling a story, even a short story. You do so with such vividness your readers feel as though they’re in the story itself.
    Have a wonderful weekend…

  10. Beautiful Melinda! “A new creation to Love, Dream and Hope”! Pam Mosher
    Pam Mosher recently posted..Retirement ~ A Note To Self About Too Much Coffee

  11. This was an amazing reminder of unwavering love, something I know many people needed today. Thank you!

  12. Mel an amazing poem, thank you for sharing on Strawberry Roan…!! Bright blessings.
    Shanyn recently posted..Free to Breathe Link Up

  13. oh friend, i could hear his voice wooing me through this. thank you. what a gift you have!

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