My major knee surgery was more than 14 years ago. The knee is now strong and doesn’t allow the knee cap to do crazy things that land me on my face in excruciating pain.
The core is now strong thanks to hardware but the surrounding flesh. Not so much. I did my PT but over the years, I didn’t keep it up. Slacked off.
Our walk with Christ can resemble a fixed knee. The core is solid and strong but as we move along, we can get lax if we so choose. The beauty of both is that we don’t have to let the surrounding flesh weaken.
And if we do, a little work gets those muscles working again and strength returns because the core is still solid. It remembers what to do. It desires to work correctly.
Christ is your core. He doesn’t change. While your flesh will fail, weaken, forget; Christ is the same. He’ll wait for you.
Pull out your bible, that forgotten bible study, and get back to your strength training. Spiritual fitness is always worth the effort!
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Isaiah 40:28-26
Mel…The Core Strength is There was such a great read for me as I went thru major knee surgery in March of 2012. Now I am scheduled to have the same surgery on the other knee coming up Feb. 4 of this “new year”. I am so thankful for God that He got you to put this on here for me to read. Seems like I’m letting myself fall apart worrying about it instead of Praising God for it.
The scripture from Isaiah 40: 26-28 is excellent for me at this time….I will be sure to write that one down in my scripture book so that I can read it over and over and it will stick in my heart!
Blessings and Prayers go out to you.
Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Donna. Goodness, I needed to re-read that one 🙂 I will be praying for your next surgery. I know how painful it is. I’m so thankful God laid something on my heart that has helped!
Your blog is very encouraging!
Lety recently posted..Feeling tired of the never ending work?
Love how you relate your surgery and PT with God and our training. I had back surgery a few years ago and am overly thrilled that I no longer suffer chronic pain. But, like you, I have slacked off a bit on my PT and need to get back at it. Thankfully, the muscles in my back can recover just as our spiritual relationship with God recovers when we bow to His authority and “get back at it.”
Barb Winters recently posted..Triggers, Visions, and A Solid Foundation
I am so thankful for that! It certainly changes our attitudes about our bodies if we are grateful for what it can do. Thanks for stopping by!! 🙂