As a writer/author, I am always on the lookout for great books on writing. I jumped at the chance to read and review Rochelle Carter’s new book, The 7 Step Guide To Authorpreneurship. Rochelle is President/CEO of Ellechor Media LLC and knows this business.
What is an authorpreneur?
Don’t you love that title? If you are looking to be published, whether traditional or self, you are an authorpreneur! We’re responsible for our book.
Within the first page of reading, I found this little snippet of advice that really struck home.
How hard do we find investing in ourselves? It’s so easy to come up with good excuses not to invest in yourself but we have to, as writers, if we want to be noticed for work that is worthy of being shared.
Carter goes into great detail in her book from the writing, editing, budgeting, to the launching of your book. If you want a successful book launch, you have to invest in the earlier stages. If you skip steps, it will show!
Here are the treasures you can look forward to within the book:
- Write and Polish Your Manuscript – Write, edit, and hire a quality editor.
- Create Your Business Plan – I know I skipped this test with my first book. How can we possibly be successful without a business plan, a budget, and an idea on what we are going to do with our finished work?
- Create Your Author Platform – Lots of great ideas on building your platform.
- Engage Your Audience – How do you engage your audience and get them excited about your upcoming book?
- Get Ready To Launch – Are you really ready? Did you skip any steps? How to launch your book successfully.
- Keep The Momentum – Stay in front of readers and keep your book moving forward.
- Pay It Forward – How to pay it forward as an author. “What Can I Do For You?”
Each chapter is broken down into detailed steps. How hard are you willing to work to be a successful author? Are you willing to create a budget to make sure your book shines and is the very best it can be?
Carter pushes to make you a better author. Some tips I didn’t want to but needed to hear. I didn’t realize there were so many different types of editors and how important finding the right editor would be for my work. A good editor will not only be qualified and professional but will specialize in your specific genre.
She included many ideas on creating a successful book launch too. One suggestion was the Book Buy Bomb.
More great tips are included in The 7 Step Guide To Authorpreneurship. Be on the lookout for this authoritative book in March of 2014! Go ahead, Pin the quotes above and share on Facebook!
Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.