Tear Your Own Veil Down

tear dow the veil

When Christ died, the veil was torn from top to bottom, encircling us completely in divine union with God. No more separation.

What is currently separating you from God? Is there something holding you back from a complete relationship with Him? Something from your past? A current sin? Feeling unloved or unworthy? Anxiety? Worry? Distrust? Unforgiveness? Gossip?

Sweet sister, you need Jesus today. To rip the veil, what ever it may be, so that you can be in full relationship with Him. So that ache in your heart can heal. Because it hurts so much, doesn’t it?

Sometimes you wonder if you will make it. Can the pain ever end? Will anything good ever come your way? Will you ever have peace?

There are days where moving forward, getting out of bed or off the couch seem impossible. If this one area doesn’t resolve itself, we may not be able to function any more.

Please, take that thing to the foot of the cross. Ask God to reveal any area where you need to repent. Ask for guidance. And ask for a friend. Someone you can trust. Where you can share your heart and get a hug.

Please don’t isolate yourself while you struggle. It’s so easy to think we are alone and no one has these terrible thoughts. No one else is going to understand. But good friends do understand. They do have ugly thoughts they battle.

We’re all in this together. This battle. Lay down the pretense. Be real.

Where true beauty shines through the cracks of brokenness and the unity that binds us together in likeness.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Sister, what are you struggling with? How can we as a community pray over you?

Photo Credit: TeddyBear[Picnic] at Free Digital Photos


  1. What a blessing and confirmation this post is Melinda. Your message is the same one the Lord gave me in a dream and I posted it with the title, “Its No Dream that the Snake is Dead”. God has a message I believe that He wants His children to hear, pick up and walk in. May we have ears to hear.
    Jeannie Pallett recently posted..It’s No Dream that the Snake is Dead

  2. Lovely! Just what I needed…
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