Tag: sexual abuse
Advice: My Sister Molested Me
Dear Mel: I really want to talk to my sister, but my mom gets really angry at any mention of her because she molested me as a child. How can I bring the subject up to my mom without her getting angry? I have not seen or talked to my…
Hidden Secrets – Dear Mother
Revealing a secret can often times give us a sense of relief, even if it’s just writing a letter we won’t send or admitting to something we want to deny. These are all reader submissions * To my dearest little man, I am sorry that I grabbed you the way…
Silence Is satans Handy Work
Men, Stop Damaging Women!
Advice: My Sister Molested Me
Dear Mel: I really want to talk to my sister, but my mom gets really angry at any mention of her because she molested me as a child. How can I bring the subject up to my mom without her getting angry? I have not seen or talked to my…
Hidden Secrets – Dear Mother
Revealing a secret can often times give us a sense of relief, even if it’s just writing a letter we won’t send or admitting to something we want to deny. These are all reader submissions * To my dearest little man, I am sorry that I grabbed you the way…