James Bible Study Day 14

Welcome to day 14 of our James Bible Study! Let’s unpack verses 19-20. What stands out to you in today’s reading? Do you struggle in the area to be slow to speak or slow to become angry? Human anger does not produce the righteousness of God. Today, grab one of…

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James Bible Study Day 13

Welcome to day 13 of our James Bible Study! Today, let’s dig into verses 17 & 18. Notice that every good and perfect gift is from God? Do you recall what verse 3 said about perseverance? That our trials bring forth perfection if you we persevere! God doesn’t change like…

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James Bible Study Day 12

Welcome to day 12 of our James Bible Study! Let’s look at verses 15-16. After desire has conceived, sin is born. And sin grows and gives birth to death. Summarize these two verses on your worksheets in your own words. What is God saying to you today? How often has…

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James Bible Study Day 11

Day 11 of our James Bible Study. Let’s look at verses 13-14 and discuss temptation and where it comes from. When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are…

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James Bible Study Day 10

Congratulations on day 10 of our James Bible Study! You’re doing this and I pray you’ve been blessed by the study. Today, focus on unpacking the gifts in verses 11-12. What do you think of what James has said so far about the rich and the poor? What stands out…

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