- I don’t chew my nails. I once heard someone talk about how much grime (and even fecal matter) gets under the nails and isn’t washed clean by simply washing your hands. Ewww… I’ve never been a nail biter but that cinched it for me.
- There is a thick protective layer of dust on my furniture right now.
- Mtn Wears-A-Lot is taking over my bedroom currently. Why is folding laundry such a daunting task? Perhaps because it is NEVER ending.
- We’re going through some struggles right now that really, really suck. Would love prayers.
- I LOVE road trips. I really wish we could afford one right now but gas prices keep us home.
- I love camping, especially with another family. I’m ready for the rain to stop so we can go! Tent camping in the rain = no bueno.
What are your confessions this week?
* Don’t Forget to Vote For Trailing After God – push that button right below! And one more click and you’re done! I’ll love you forever 🙂 *
1. I DO chew my nails. Thank for that encouragement to stop.
2. I also have a protective layer of dust on my furniture. I also have a layer of cat hair for extra protection.
3. I HATE folding laundry. Usually by the time I get around to folding it, I’ve worn half of what was washed and it’s time to do laundry again.
4. I will pray for you and your family. Please pray for me.
5. I LOVE roadtrips and am dying to take one. Unfortunately, like you, the cost of gas is prohibitive. As is the fact that my car is in it’s last days.
6. I discovered the joys of camping just a few years ago. Due to circumstances, I wasn’t able to go at all last year. I REALLY, REALLY want to go ASAP and hope the aforementioned gas and car problems won’t prevent is this year.
Have a great weekend!
1. Dust also protects my furniture.
2. My kitchen table looks like Office Depot threw up all over it.
3. I weed my garden for stress relief. I have an abundance of both.
4. I am anxious to retire so I can stop spending time with 150 kids I’m not related to and be with the five I birthed.
5. I have a pen obsession.
6. I spend too much time in virtual reality.
Christa Allan recently posted..MEET JULIE CAROBINI and her stories filled with faith- flip flops- and waves of grace
#6 – me too! 🙂 And I NEED to go weed my flower beds etc but haven’t been able to force myself to actually do it!
1 I also have a layer of dust holding down my table tops
2 I have more books then I have shelves
3 I’m afraid to go into an office supply store because I wont come out with fewer then 10
things I DONT need
4 I spend way to much time on line
5 I keep clothes that no longer fit.
6 I will turn the t.v on just to hear another human. ( even though they are scripted and not
talking to me
Debi recently posted..For Just A Moment
I do the same with the tv. I either need the radio or the tv on for the noise.
1. There are times when I honestly don’t like people. (I work in retail.)
2. I have a messy home waiting YEARS (literally) for renovations to be worked on.
3. I have only cooked a handful of meals in the past 6 years, thanks to my children and homeschooling.
4. Chocolate is NOT my favourite thing.
5. I have had a complete wardrobe change over the past 3 or so years.
6. I struggle with self-discipline – daily.
Melody recently posted..poor management
My confessions:
1. I do not bite my nails but I chew the skin off beside them..I know I know…gross!
2. I LOATH folding laundry…so I make my 11 yr old daughter fold it all.
3. I am so addicted to Facebook, coffee, and post-it’s that I probably need intervention! (ask Melinda…LOL)
4. I was beyond blessed to wittiness a friend’s blessing come into this world for the first time just last week.
5. I forget to Thank God EVERY single day for the blessings I have.