Saturday Morning Confessions Vol5

  1. As you read this, I’m enjoying the Oregon Coast with my friends. Girls only…
  2. This week I registered my baby for kindergarten and I cried.
  3. Being sick so much in 2011 has been really discouraging me.
  4. I’ve been spending way too much time in my pajamas.
  5. One of my most embarrassing moments was in 1st grade when my group had to sing, Squirrely, squirrely, shake your bushy tail, while shaking our “tails” at the audience at girl scout camp. I had wet my pants waiting in the very long line to the one bathroom beforehand πŸ™



  1. Haha I’ve never heard that song before! Hope you’re having a great time with your friends πŸ™‚

    Oh, and it’s 7.30pm and I’m in my pyjamas.. πŸ™‚
    Just me recently posted..Where are you going

  2. We’re headed for Destin this weekend!!! I’m soooo excited!!!!
    I recieved my last whipping at the age of 17
    Sometimes I drink out of the milk jug (cover o shaped mouth with hand)
    I cry after I spank my kid


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