Saturday Morning Confessions Vol10

  1. I can’t believe this series is 10 weeks old now!
  2. I love reading a book series that I get so wrapped up in that I mourn the end of it and the loss of the characters!
  3. The Hunger Games was one of those series for me this last week.
  4. I read all 3 books in 4 days
  5. I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed fantasies until the past few years but they have to have enough reality in them for me to read.
  6. I generally don’t like eating leftovers.
  7. I’m up way past my bedtime writing this post because I couldn’t sleep so I got up to do this.
  8. I hate email forwards.
  9. I LOVE getting encouraging emails and notes.


  1. I always wander around for at least a day or two feeling bereft after reading a good book or series. šŸ™‚

  2. Cannot wait for the Hunger Games movie just so badly hope it’s not a massacre of the amazing book series. Those Characters were For REAL.

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