Saturday Morning Confessions Vol8

I really enjoy writing this silly Saturday Morning Confessions post each week. I love a little break from being serious.

  1. I love chocolate and peanut butter together. My absolute favorite!
  2. I LOVE sitting around the campfire and staring into the flames – don’t worry, they don’t speak to me!
  3. I HATE sleeping when camping because ever since I was a little girl, I pretty much do NOT sleep and toss and turn praying for daylight to come.
  4. I also hate that no matter how little I drink and visit the restroom before bed when camping, I always end up having to pee which keeps me up most of the night until I get up and go.
  5. I’m always afraid of bad guys when we camp! To me, camping in a tent makes us super vulnerable to murderers and Freddie Krueger.
  6. I always fear that a snake or some nasty spider will have crawled into my tent or worse, sleeping bag while camping
  7. And I STILL love to camp. Wow, I have a lot of fears when we camp! LOL!
  8. I would so desperately love to have a tent trailer or small trailer to camp in so we could go year-around. But those cost $$

Got any “confessions” to share?


  1. 1) Cleaning is theraputic for me
    2) I REALLY want to live closer to the beach, but fear if I did it would lose it’s “specialness”.
    3) I am probably the ONLY Louisianian who will on occassion, but don’t really care to suck the heads of crawfish.
    4) Knows that the PERFECT time measurement to dip an oreo in milk for is 8 seconds.
    5) Is still a HUGE tomboy at the age of 35! I love to hunt, fish, feel the grass under my bare feet, play sports, and just generally feel like a kid, but I love to play “dress up” too! Dress up and go have dinner with the hubs…


  2. Melinda, I love the list šŸ™‚

    I’m with you — I adore chocolate and peanut butter together, AND I also am afraid of bad guys when we camp out in our tent, even if the tent is in our own backyard, lol šŸ˜‰

    Have a wonderful week,

    Jaime @ LABB

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