Revelation Study Reading List For January

Revelation Study January 2016
Are you ready for our Revelation Study?

Here is our January Reading/Journaling list for our Revelation Study. Each day, read through the verses(s) and journal about what you’ve read. I encourage you to dig deeper. Read other commentaries on it. Use a concordance and other study materials to get the most out of it. And then journal what sticks out to you. We will be sharing our journal homework on the Facebook page, so join us everyday. It’s fun and encouraging to see everyone’s work.

I’ve created printable worksheets to go along with our Revelation study. Check them out by clicking on the link. They’re pretty! 🙂

There are no rules to this study. Join when you can. We’re only tackling a verse (sometimes two) to keep it as simple as possible. You don’t have to draw in order to journal. Some of us draw and doodle, while others write out the verses. It’s up to you. Just dig in!

You can print off this Revelation Study Reading list for January here.

Know someone you think would like to join this study? Invite them! Share this post and give it a like! Let’s start our new year off on the right foot! In God’s word!


Mel signature

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