Pray Fervently – An Excerpt From My Book

This is an excerpt from my book, How I Forgave My Molester.

  Pray Fervently

~ Your word I have treasured in my heart,

that I may not sin against You.  Psalm 119:11 ~

I understand you may not believe in a loving God after what you have experienced but God knows YOU and desires for you to know Him. He already loves you. He’s just waiting for you to come to Him. His word says all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20). If you are ready for his healing power, all you have to do is tell Him you want Him in your life and He will take care of the rest.

Prayer is a very important step in your healing process. You don’t have to speak eloquently to God, just be honest. Tell Him you hurt and you’re angry. Tell Him you feel let down, unprotected, unloved, dirty, broken, discarded, and whatever else comes to mind. You can’t surprise God. He’s big enough to hear it all. Best of all, He’s big enough to heal it all.

Get on your knees and start praying for the ability to forgive, to be healed, to be whole, and to finally be completely freed from this bondage. Pray until you start to feel released and then keep praying. Pray when you lie down, when you wake up, in the shower, while you drive, do the dishes, fold laundry, and anywhere else that you get a few minutes to do so. I know you want to do this on your own but you cannot. Receive the power from the Almighty.  Our perfect Heavenly Father is waiting with outstretched arms to carry you through this. You’re probably already in his arms and have been since you were victimized.

Prayer Examples:

“Lord, I come before you with a broken heart. I am laying my burdens down and asking for your help in healing. Pour your healing salve over the aching cracks in my heart. Your Word says that your burden is light but my burden has been so heavy, Lord. I pray for freedom and release from my heavy yoke. I ask for freedom and peace. In Jesus Name, Amen”

“Lord, your Word says you created me and you know the plans you have for me. You have plans to prosper me and to give me a hope and a future. Father, I am praying for hope and a future. I have felt alone and hopeless but today, I ask you to fill me with your hope and show me a new future, one without the pain and baggage of my abuse. In Jesus Name, Amen”


*  List Bible verses you can insert your name into and use as a prayer and memory verse:

Example: “Mel, Ask and it will be given to you; Mel, seek and you will find; Mel, knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

* What aches in your heart do you need to start praying over?

* Are there other people in your life that you can pray for?

* Do you have doubts or fears that you won’t be able to win this battle?



If you’d like to see what readers are saying about this book on forgiveness, click on the How I Forgave My Molester tab.

© 2011 Melinda Todd

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – for example, electronic, photocopy, recording – without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

ISBN – 978-0-61-547746-6


  1. Thanks for sharing your heart and reminding us that we can cry out to God over any hurt or circumstance in our lives. Truly, He is the Healer of our souls.

  2. Wonderful post Mel, and thank you for sharing your story and reminding us that God is with us and only a cry away. You have a gift, thank you for sharing it.

  3. melinda, i stumble upon your network and am enjoying every article so much i am going to share with others.

    Melinda, I stumble upon your website and am enjoying the articles. I will share this website and articles with others. May our Daddy continually bless and keep you refreshed in His Holy Spirit. Amen.

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