Day 27 of 31 days of depression.
What we put into our body plays a huge role in how our bodies function and how we feel. Yet, we often ignore this one area because it’s not a fun one to tackle.
I’m a firm believer that God gave us the ability to control so much with natural foods. If you haven’t tried changing your diet to feel better, I highly suggest it. See your doctor for what is appropriate for you.
Sugar is an enemy for me but don’t get me wrong – I love it. It just hates me. I’m diabetic so I’m not pushing a low carb diet, just informing you on what seems to works for my body. When I cut the bad carbs, I feel so much better. I don’t think in our society that it’s a far stretch that cutting the bad carbs will help most people feel better. Again, not without doctor approval.
But let’s start with some baby steps and basics.Do your own research on foods and vitamins that help and of course, talk to your doc.
Some suggestions on things to add to your diet:
- Vitamin B6
- Spinach – full of folic acid helps serotonin levels
- Salmon and other fish high in omegas
- Swiss and cheddar cheese – the tryptophan helps release serotonin
- Walnuts – omega 3’s
- Dark chocolate – over 300 natural compounds that aid in mood
- Citrus fruits – vitamin c is important to neurotransmitters
- Water – flushes toxins from the body and keeps you hydrated
- Omega 3 fatty acids
- 5HTP
- St. John’s Wart
- Vitamin D
- SAM-e
- L-tyrosine – not for those on thyroid meds
- Kava Kava
- Gingko Biloba
- L-phenylalanine
Food and supplements may not “cure” you of depression but if they help alleviate some of the symptoms, it’s worth trying.
Always check with your doctor and pharmacist before starting new supplements. You need to know if any of the supplements will interact with any current medications. If you are on an anti-depressant you will need to avoid some of the ones listed above.
Have you found any natural ways to help you deal with your depression? Share your story. It might help someone else!
Do today:
- Memorize this scripture: He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4
- See the doctor.
- Try some diet changes: more fresh fruits and veggies and try cutting out sugar.
- Writing Prompt: List off healthy food choices that you enjoy. How can you incorporate them into your life? Could you add your favorite salad into your lunch or dinner routine? Don’t forget to write what you are thankful for and act on it. *If you would like a safe and free place to write, try this online journal at Penzu. It is password protected and you can even encrypt the journal if you need to. You can also use a fake name and junk email address for further protection. This way no one at home finds your personal diary entries.
- Pray: Lord, thank you for this journey, even when it’s hard. Help me to see your light each day. I want to get better and I’m willing to try new things. Show me where I need to be and please, be near. I want to be closer to you. Please shelter me. In Jesus Name, Amen.
To purchase this song:Closer
The next 31 days we will be discussing depression and healthy ways to combat it but we’re going to get real too. Because for those of us who wind up in the pit often, we know platitudes and fluff pieces do nothing for us. My expertise is only based on my own very personal battles with depression and is no way, professional or medical advice. Your participation in this series is voluntary and Melinda Todd is not legally responsible for any choices or actions of participants. Participants release Melinda Todd and Trailing After God from responsibility and liability and continue at their own risk and discretion.
Diet really does help, I just wish it were easier to stick to. I have heard coffee also helps with depression. But too much of it can have the opposite effect. Thanks for sharing all of these!
My MIL told me about St. John’s Wart and I took it for several months. But, after a while, it just wasn’t enough for me. I struggle with SAD, so vitamin D has been huge for me. I’m looking into getting a special light for this winter that simulates sunlight too. I’ve also recently discovered a gluten intolerance – which could have a lot to do with why my depression/anxiety were so bad. Learning to eat foods that help my stomach heal and help me feel better physically does wonders for my emotional health too.
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Vitamin D has been HUGE for me! I do need to get one of those lights but they’re not cheap. I also seem to have a gluten intolerance as well. Interesting that we share so many commonalities!