Memory Verse Week 1 Day 4

It’s day four of our memory verse! If you’re like me, you probably have it down pat by now. If not, that’s okay! Keep working on it.

We know the rewards of having memorized scripture are important to our souls and our well being. Next time you feel worry creeping in, you can recite this verse and remind your mind that were set FREE.

Fill in the blanks below. Come on over to the Facebook page to get the details on the homework for today! And hey, if you’re late to the party, no worries. Start now. All of the days and instructions are on the Facebook page and easy to find.

Memory Verse Number 1 day 4

Today, we are going to add the SOAP method of memorizing bible verses. SOAP is an acronym for Scripture, Observe, Application, and Prayer. I’ve created a FREE printable worksheet for SOAP-ing your verse for today. Click here for printable worksheet: SOAP Memorizing Worksheet

soap memorizing worksheet

  • S – Read the scripture. Write it down.
  • O- Observe. What is God saying to you in this verse? What spoke to you? Journal it.
  • A – Application. How can you apply this verse to your life? Make it personal.
  • P – Prayer. Ask God how you can apply this verse. How would He like you to apply it to your life? What does He want you to learn? Work the verse into your prayer. “Thank you Lord, for setting me free and sending Christ for my freedom. Thank you for breaking the yoke of slavery. Remind me to place my hopes in you. Amen.”


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Missional Women

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