The deception started out small. A little here, a little there. Pay off. A little more. Pay off.
We all know the reason Lance doped. His reward outweighed doing what was right. To be the best. The money to do what ever he wanted. It is the American dream and probably that of most humans.
We strive to be set apart as good. Really good. The best even. Athletes work hard to be noticed and signed. Writers dream of being discovered by a publisher. Especially if it means big money.
Once we tip-toe into the realm of dishonesty, it’s hard to turn back. If the rewards are huge, the consequences mores so.
Society doesn’t speak grace. It seeks blood.
When the consequence for deceit is shame and cruelty, few will come forward with the truth.
We are called to be different. To extend grace and forgiveness. Even when it isn’t deserved in our feeble minds. While the rest of the world prepares to lynch Lance and his character, show grace. Walk the walk.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
Have you ever had a difficult time coming forward after you’d been deceitful? What has been the hardest circumstance in your life to forgive? Please share in the comments.
Oh that is true…society seeks blood but not THE blood. Oh Grace cover us all. I know what it is like to be tempted in many ways but especially to excel. I saw it and pondered crossing the line and did not but then God also showed me – this too is all grace. He does not let us fall into that which would destroy us or that sin which we would not be able to get unentangled from. Does that make sense? He is gracious even as we run full speed away from Him. I like the way you put this, Mel…
Grace to you, Sister!
Dawn recently posted..My Sweet Girl (5 Minute Friday-Cherished)
Thanks Dawn! I know how many times I’ve messed up.I can be thankful it wasn’t in front of the world! But it’s no less sin.
Glad my sins aren’t out for EVERYONE in the world to see…it’s difficult enough to just be upfront and honest with family and friends. Can’t imagine living in the fishbowl world of Lance armstrongs life. His foundation is the good that came from his “wrong”, but sadly all that goodness will now end too. I pray he finds peace and forgiveness and hid family can recover.