It’s Day 8 of the James Bible Study!
Dig into verses 7-8. Do you ever feel like a double-minded man/woman? I do! But we don’t have to stay in that mindset. How can you change that line of thinking? Journal about how you feel about being double-minded at times.
That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
Here is the definition of double-minded from Strong’s Concordance:
1374 dípsyxos (an adjective, derived from 1364 /dís, “two” and 5590 /psyxḗ, “soul”) – properly, “two souled”; (figuratively) “double-minded,” i.e. a person “split in half,” vacillating like a “spiritual schizophrenic.” This term may have been coined in the NT (R. Lenski, P. Davids).
Split in half. Spiritual schizophrenic. Eek. We need to take this seriously. Dig in today. I’m not going to give you more because I want you to do some word studies yourself. Use to dig deeper. Please don’t skip this. It’s too important.