Welcome to day 44 of our James Bible Study! We’re really close to wrapping this up. But don’t give up now! Let’s unpack James 5:7-9
Highlight how many times James uses the word patient and any form of it.
How easy is having patience in our current world? We pull into a drive thru and expect our food within seconds. We want everything right now. But James tells us to have patience over and over. Maybe we should take him seriously.
Farmers learn to be patient. There is no other choice but to wait for his crops to come up. How would our lives look if we decided to be patient, even when it doesn’t come naturally.
I remember as a little girl, I stopped saying the phrase, “I can’t wait” because in my child’s mind it made it come faster and then it was over faster. Isn’t that somewhat true though? We look forward to a specific event and then it is gone and over in a flash – whether or not we say I can’t wait, of course!
Journal your thoughts today. Dig in if you feel the Lord leading you in a specific area.
Continue memorizing James 1:1-9 – What creative ways can you come up with to write it out today? Do something with some color and get artsy. Share it on the Facebook page! I want to see your creations!