James Bible Study Day 27

James bible study at melindatodd

Welcome to day 27 of our James Bible Study! Let’s take a look at verses 21-22 shall we?

Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. James 2:21-22 (NIV)

As I read these passages, I’m reminded that we need to have both faith and works, working together. We must have faith. That’s the basics of our belief system. But without the works to go with it, we’re incomplete.

Of course, we have to balance both. We can’t focus solely on faith or on just works. As humans, I think we have a hard time keeping a proper balance. Don’t you?

What sticks out to you today in your reading? Did God speak to your heart about something specific?

We’ll continue memorizing verses 1-6.


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