James Bible Study Day 2 – Who was James


It’s day two of our James Bible Study.

It’s important to know James before we dig into the book of James. Grab your printables for this James study.

Today’s Homework:

Who is James? Dig into the scriptures and find out all you possibly can about who James is as a person.

  • Example: James was the brother of Jesus. Matthew 13:55
  • Who were the other brothers?
  • Where can we assume James falls in the birth order? Why?
  • How would it feel to be the brother of Jesus? Put yourself in his shoes and describe how you imagine you might feel. Would his parents treat him differently than they did Jesus?
  • Look up other verses about James and make notes of anything that stands out to you.

Share a snapshot of your homework on the Facebook page. This helps keep us accountable. And share your insights. Maybe you discovered something someone else did not. This is the best part of studying scripture together. The sharing and the different perspectives.

Here is our first memory verse for this study. James 1:1. Write it out in your journal or your memorizing scripture printable. Underline the parts that describe James.

A free printable bookmark for James 1:1 – click on it to go the free pdf to print.

James1:1 bookmark


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