It’s Just Dirt

just dirt melindatodd

My son rolled in the dirt on the first night of the camping trip. Dry, powdery dust loomed about and covered him from head to toe. And he loved every second of it. No regrets. Just good solid boy fun. And some dirt. And a whole lot of happiness!

How often do we choose to live like a 2 1/2 year old? Joyful and free. And remembering, it’s just dirt?

Countless people have told me they could not go to Haiti. They could not even contemplate living there. There are bugs, big spiders, disease, danger, and it’s far from home. Too far.

And on some level I can agree. But I feel like I left my heart anchored there. I flew home only to keep tugging on the chain that won’t break free from the soil it planted itself into.

When I think about Haiti I feel excitement and heartache. They dance together, sometimes a slow waltz and other times as a frenzied tango.

I can’t tell you why exactly. And I can’t tell you that I don’t have anxiety sometimes when I think about actually living there. Day in and day out. Gulp.

But what I can tell you is that we are all called according to His will but we are not all called to do the same exact work.

My friends who work in the medical field have my utmost respect. Because I couldn’t do it. And I don’t want to.

I can live with dirt and bugs (please Lord, no snakes) but I couldn’t live with blood and guts.

You may not be called to be a missionary over seas – shoot, I might not be either – but you were put into your own mission field. Maybe it’s in an office, a doctor’s office, or a library, but you’ve got a mission. Perhaps working with the homeless, a pregnancy crisis center, teen moms, widows, or another area of need. There’s a field to be filled everywhere.

See a need? Fill the need.

It’s actually quite simple. You’ve got to be open to it.

And if you get a little dirty, remember, it’s only dirt. And you’re washable.

* If you could do any kind of mission work, what would it be? Share in the comments! I love to hear from you!

And check out our GoFundMe campaign for our mission to Haiti! We’re 39% funded as of St Patty’s Day! That’s awesome stuff God’s doing!


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Missional Women

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