Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8
- You don’t believe in hell? I love you and want to know and understand you.
- You do believe in hell? I love you and want to know and understand you.
- You’re a drug addict? I love you and I want help for you!
- You’re an atheist? I love you and we can still be friends and be kind to each other.
- Your dad molested you? I love you and I want complete healing for you.
- Your mom abused you? I love you and I want to encourage you and see healing for you.
- You were bullied? I love you and I want the bullying to end and for you to feel whole again.
- You’re lonely? I love you and I want friendships and and fellowship for you.
- You’re depressed? I love you and I want you to feel joy and happiness again! I want to encourage you!
- You’re angry? I love you and I want release from bondage for you.
- You’re disappointed? I love you and I want light and hope for you!
The list goes on and on but it all comes down to love. While I can only love in an imperfect human way, God’s love is eternal and blissfully perfect.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13