But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
I am more than a pretty blog. I am more than a writer who can bring you to tears,make you think, or sometimes make you laugh. I am more than the numbers on my Facebook page. I am more than the woman with the post four babies poochy belly and huge jugs. I am more than the girl with the long curly hair.
When I allow what others think of me to define me, I become less than who God says I am.
We are defined by Him as:
* New Creation
* Redeemed
* Forgiven
* Established in Love
* Born Again
* Saved by Mercy
* The church
* The bride of Christ
Did you get that last one? We are the bride of Christ. Not a mere spectator with an invitation to a fancy wedding but the bride! You are a princess to the most high God. You have been left to wait on your prince charming, as He goes to prepare the most amazingly beautiful place for you, paved in gold.
He will return for you, He promised. This promise can’t be broken because God does not break covenants. Await dear princess; your knight in shining armor will arrive on his white horse one day! It is written.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:3
It is great to find others who share their Faith freely. Blessings!
This just makes me love you more, Mel! Love this!
Back at ya friend!!! ♥