He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30
Happy New Year!
In 2013 my goal is to Decrease. And I don’t mean in my weight, though that is on the list, but in all areas where God is not my center focus. Where ever self-centeredness tries to rear it’s head, I want to be aware and pull myself back so that God is glorified.
Steps To Decrease in 2013:
- Spend Less. No purchases that are not a necessity. Can we survive without it? Then we don’t need it.
- Give more. Not just financial but my time, my energy, my physical ability, my mind, and my heart. See a need, fill a need.
- Purge. Donate and give away things we do not use or need. Each room. Each closet. Every drawer and every cupboard.
- Less Media. Less internet, less television, less movies.
- Less Consumption. This could cover so much but for me it will cover unhealthy foods and sugar.
In 5 steps, I plan to increase my focus on Christ and less on myself. As I clean out the junk that’s taking up space in my life, I allow room for God to be my main focus. Where He should always be. Where He demands. And I know that as I obey, He will fill my life in ways I never imagined.
This year I’m jumping on the band wagon and choosing my one word for the year. The one word that I will repeat and ask myself, How can I Decrease so that Christ can Increase?
If you were to choose a word to focus on for 2013, or perhaps you already have, what would it be? Please share in the comments! Hearing from you is the most important part of this site and the highlight of my day! I wish I could hug each and everyone of you and say thank you for being a fan and a reader. Thank you ♥
PS – A special thank you to Melanie for the beautiful design for my one word!
Epiphany is my word for 2013.
I stumbled upon your page from the OneWord365 community. I really LOVE your word! Thanks for sharing it! Your blog looks really good… I am going to check out your 31 days of Depression series.
Angie recently posted..God in Your Morning Review & Giveaway
Thank you Angie and welcome!