He Scatters Frost Like Ashes


Word Filled Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesdays

Home Grown Families Wordless Wednesdays

My Other Word-Filled Wednesday Posts:

1 Peter 5:8

Proverbs 3:6


  1. Wow, what an amazing picture! I love that passage from the Psalms. = )
    Kate {The Parchment Girl} recently posted..Mailbox Monday Episode 18

  2. So very true! (and amazing photo!)
    DonTolmanUSATeam recently posted..Asparagus…

  3. Please feel free to stop by: Don Tolman Self-Care Revolution
    DonTolmanUSATeam recently posted..Asparagus…

  4. Thanks for following me! I’m following back–looking forward to browsing your blog!
    Mindy recently posted..Happy Anniversary!

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