God, You Just Don’t Understand

God, You Just Don't Understand

Remember being a teen and thinking, “Mom and Dad just don’t get it. At all“?

Or perhaps you are like me and in constant reminder of these thoughts and feelings as you ride the waves of having a teen in the home. Parents just don’t understand.

And thankfully we grow up and realize, they did get it more than we thought and they weren’t just being mean.

And as I dealt with my 15 year old son this morning, complete with the eye rolls and mutterings of, “You just don’t understand”, I was struck by how often I have felt that way in my attitude and walk with the Lord.

There are times I have thought, God, you just don’t understand. And I may or may not have rolled my eyes and stomped my feet. Our relationship with Him can resemble that of teen/parent.

The further we come in our walk, the less this reaction comes about. As we see Him work in our lives, we begin to realize He has walked this road. And He will work out what ever situation we are in and He will provide for what ever He asks us to do.

Are you feeling frustrated in your walk? Feeling a little immature lately? Do you beat yourself up for not reacting “correctly“? Let me encourage you.

This too shall pass.

If you’ve had a bad attitude about something you are going through, release it back to the One who can change everything. Pray about it and ask forgiveness.

And then stop beating yourself up. We all stumble. We need to stumble in order to figure out where our feet belong.

If your heart is sold out to Jesus, you’re already on the right path. As Dory says in Finding Nemo, “Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. Just keep swimming!”

in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.Proverbs 3:6

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