It’s the day after Christmas. The excitement let down settles in today, as we send off our family members and go back to normal life. That can lead to depression for many.
Several of you have privately emailed me recently, telling me that you don’t ever see your lives getting better. No matter how much you try and you believe, nothing good seems to be coming your way.
Does God see me? Does He love me? Where is He in all of this?
Boy, I can relate to those feelings. I really, really can. And here is why.
It is ingrained in me to go to that place in my head and focus on the wrong. The failing. The let down. The negative.
I spent years thinking and believing that if my abuse hadn’t happened, I’d be a different person. That I’d have a different, naturally happy personality. And perhaps I would have but if I let myself wallow in that place, then I can’t ever move beyond it. I stay stuck in my mind.
The mind is a prison and you are the prisoner. A prisoner to self. But you are not meant to be a prisoner! If you know the Lord, that is not the life He means for you. Let me say it again. Read it out loud. Being a prisoner in your own mind is not the life God meant for you!
His Promises For You:
- To give you rest. Matthew 11:28-29
- Gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40:29-31
- He will supply all our needs. Philippians 4:19
- Peace of mind and heart. John 14:27
- Eternal life. Romans 6:23
- Renewing of our minds. Romans 12:2
- No separation from His love. Romans 8:35
- Freedom. Galatians 5:1
- No condemnation. Romans 8:1
Let me encourage you to open your bible and look for His promises. They are all over the scriptures. Then choose for yourself to believe them. It is a choice.
Meditate on the promises because right now, you are meditating on lies if you are believing God isn’t there for you. How will your renew your mind if your only focus is on lies from the enemy? Don’t give satan that power in your life. Because when you do, he takes it and runs with it.
Lord Jesus,
Please give us the power to focus on your promises and love. Help us give the enemy of lies the boot and not focus on what he is trying to feed us. Your word promises peace and hope and we need those now. We thank you for the good in our lives and the good that is to come. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Photo Credit: Chaiwat @
Are you struggling with lies from the enemy? Can we pray for you as a community? Please share in the comments below. You can use a fake name, God knows who you are!
I can’t even begin to tell you how much I needed this word today. I printed off the promises list and am going to highlight those verses in my bible and post the list in my bedroom. Thank you for your honesty and sharing your heart.
Thank you, Sandy. Praying for you sister. It takes a lot of hard work and gumption to renew the thinking in our minds. You can do it!
I’m thankful family lives close but there is still that let down of the “big” day being done with. Great advice. I love God’s promises. He covered it all.
That would be nice. My family is just far enough away that going there requires hotel stays etc. Just not in the budget at Christmas time.
Hey Mel,
Surely did love this writing. I will be saving it till I can get all the scriptures together and look them up as God would want me to have the encouragement that He gave you to write.
I surely can relate to your writing.
Thanks so much,
Thanks, Donna!
Thanks for sharing this Mel. I hope you don’t mind but I have printed this out to send to a friend in prison who I think will really benefit from it. She has become a Christian while in prison but is battling so many things from her past.
Of course! Thank you for being a blessing to her, Roxy! and for encouraging me 🙂