Get Goofy Already!


John 10:10
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more

I was asked recently what I like to do most of all.  I  had to think about it.  What is it I like to do?  And then it hit me. 

Laugh!  Hands down.

I love it.  I want it.  I crave it.  I do not do it enough!  I bet many of you don’t either. 

I would go so far as to say that we all need it. 

A good laugh, chuckle, belly laugh, snort, or giggle can change the entire mood of a room, a day, or a person.  Laughter is good for the soul.  It is good for your health.  It’s good for your family.

As my husband and I sit down tonight around the dinner table, we are going to tell the kids that our goal this year, maybe even this life time, is going to be to laugh.  Together.

Every single day, make it a goal to laugh.  Find something silly to watch on Youtube .  Google funny sayings, jokes, or stories.  What ever it is you do, decide that laughing is an important aspect of your day.

The Lord gave us life that we might have it abundantly.  He didn’t mince words.  He didn’t say live a straight faced life and please, be boring

I think God laughs a lot.  I really do.  I think when he sees us enjoying life and rolling on the floor laughing (yeah, I didn’t write ROTFL), he laughs along with us and says, “Good for you child!  You go girl!” 

Maybe you can’t see how things are going to turn out.  Perhaps the dream you are chasing won’t be had.  But there is something always right at the corners of your mouth, just waiting to escape and you have the power to set it free, every single day.

Smile!  Because God wants to give that to you, abundantly.

Let me start you on your journey

Images and content copyright melindatoad 2010

One Comment

  1. I love this, thanks for sharing it! Smiling and being joyful is something I’m really trying to do at the moment – and especially since it’s exam time I think everyone could probably use all the laughs they can get. I’m going to take your advice of finding something to make me laugh everyday 🙂
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