Free Succulent Mood Tracker Bullet Journal Page

Succulent mood tracker by Mel's Doodle Designs

Keeping track of your moods is easy with this free succulent mood tracker. Before your day gets started, fill in the succulent leaf with the color that corresponds with how you are feeling. There are 31 leaves to fill in and if you need more, go ahead and draw more!

How and when you track your moods for the month is up to you. On a separate piece of paper you can journal more about your feelings, what you’ve eaten, how you slept, etc. This will give you a much rounder picture of what is going on with your mind and body through out the month. It may just come in handy when you visit the doctor!

This is just a simple example of how you can fill out the succulent mood tracker. Do what works best for YOU! Enjoy!

Please share this post with any friends you think this might benefit.

To get your free succulent mood tracker page, go here or click the image below. Check out the other free printable bullet journal pages as well!

Succulent colored mood tracker bullet journal by Mel's Doodle Designs

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