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What People Are Saying…
“This e-book provides a step-by-step guide to claiming victory over the bondage of sexual abuse. These steps can also be applied in any situation where forgiveness is needed….I enjoyed this book because it was concise and to the point without being overly graphic or detailed. It also had a positive and uplifting message with sound advice to follow. I loved the scriptures included and the author’s perspective….I highly recommend this resource for women who have been hurt by molesters and also to young women who are trying to deal with the ramifications of the abuse….everything in this booklet is sound advice and well-thought-out, which tells me the author has definitely experienced healing or she wouldn’t be able to describe it so well.” Christian author, Michelle Sutton @ Healing Hearts
“I had the opportunity to read How I Forgave My Molester and found it to be an excellent and very helpful ebook. Not only does Mel tell her story and how she learned to forgive, but she also gives solid Biblical steps for forgiving in any situation.” ~ A Glimpse of Beautiful
“In this 50-page ebook, not only does she delve intimately into this sensitive subject, but she offers biblical truth that would apply to anyone victimized by unexplainable hurt. With a heart to reach women for God, Melinda has also included memory verses to encourage the reader along their own path toward healing.” Writin’ 4 Him Cafe by Debbie Dillon
Melinda takes us through her journey of healing by the grace of God and the power of His word.
This is key and instrumental in Melinda’s book. She does not pretend it is easy or ask us to put on rose tinted glasses while she shares. She is open and honest without crossing the line of “too much information.” She doesn’t bog us down with too many details but gives us just enough to connect, relate and empathize. She also does not let us just stay there, that is not her goal. Dawn at Beneath The Surface: Breath of Faith.
Personal Testimonies:
First, I am SO sorry that this happened to you 🙁
Thank you for opening up and sharing this traumatic event in your life. I Praise God for working in your life! You are an amazing person and because you have allowed God to heal you, and help you forgive…I pray MANY people will be blessed, and learn to forgive as well! My God continue to shine through you…love ya! Nikki
I know how hard this has been for you to deal with & how hard you’ve worked in order to come out on top. I can only thank God for your restoration & our restored & much-improved relationship. And how lucky is a mom to be counted as one of her daughter’s best friends?! Especially after all of this. I love you & am so very proud of you! Mom
What a powerful and honest look at your life. Thank you for sharing. I have been through a very similar situation and still hang on to some of that anger. I especially love this “I don’t believe the saying ‘Fight for yourself because no one else will’ because Christ will.” What an amazing realization. I think that I have always felt that way and that is why things have gone so well for me. Thank you again for opening your life to all so that they may be free. Keena
Thank you so much for a copy, I read it and it was an awesome book. I sat hear reading it out loud to myself and my 14 year old walks in and asked why my voice was trembling as I read. I didn’t realize I my whole body was trembling, the pain I felt for you, other women, myself. As I read your letter to him, I felt as if I was reading it to my molester. I have wondered how far did he go, when did he actually start on me. I am not sure if this is question I want answered. I had to go lay down and cry, I cried uncontrolably feeling some kind of release. Knowing that another woman knew exactly what went through my mind as a child and growing up. It made me feel like I can get through this and I will do exactly as your book says. For anyone who does not have this book, get it. Thank you Mel. C.M.
ere I sit, eyes wide, jaw open…I just finished your ebook. Powerful stuff. I am going to read it again…I am a huge believer in forgiveness, and I actually wrote a TWENTY page letter to my ex-husband while we were seperated that helped me forgive him–and me–for all that went wrong. I love the validation, I love that you so openly share your pain and your heart with the hope of helping people heal. You (and your book) are a blessing. This book is a wonderful resource that will help many free themselves and forgive the people who have wronged them. Absolutely wonderful. Julie Biondo Ringler
What a great resource for those who have experienced sexual abuse. I am happy to see more and more people opening up about their experiences and seeking help. What a blessing your book is! Alisa Hope Wagner
You have put in to words what everyone who is abused, in any way, needs to know but has the hardest time doing. “Forgiveness frees you.” I love you Mel and love your writing not only for what it has given you, but what you have give to so many others. Patty B.
So moving to read a tribute to forgiveness like this! She shares her personal story (w/o being graphic) and then leads you through forgiveness and healing. She also provides tangible ways to learn to heal. Awesome! Sarah R.
This Ebook is Awesome!! It’s helped me tremendously.. and I hadn’t planned on that at all.. I’m the mother of a child that was sexually abused. My daughter hasn’t had the chance yet to read it.. but if it helped me.. a woman filled with contempt and hatred for the man that did this to my daughter, who was like a brother to me. I’m sure it will help her too! Thanks so much Mel.. for a wonderful book! (( hugs)) Deanna B.
Very powerful Bio, Melinda. It gave me a new prospective of what a victim feels. I know that Joyce Mayer suffered from sexual abuse not from her uncle but from her own father. The Lord was preparing her for a great global ministry. I believe the Lord will use you too.
You have the talent of a story teller. Consider writing a novel that mix reality with fiction. Just a suggestion. Blessings, Ed Shafik
I received your book in the mail today. Upon opening it up and reading “note from the author” I was instantly captivated & encouraged. Mel I cannot thank you enough for writing about your experience. Though I’ve never had to experience what you did, your story gives me hope. To be able to find forgivness isn’t always easy & I have a feeling I’ll be reading this over and over again. I can’t wait to read your next book. Congratulations my friend ♥ T.D.
Hope things are going well for you today!!! PS, the book is great!!!! I will def. be recommending to anyone I know that needs it! Lisa R.
I recently had the chance to read new author Melinda Todd’s first book How I Forgave My Molester. A short and easy read, this book shares Melinda’s personal testimony of finding freedom from unforgiveness and poor self-image through Jesus Christ.
Giving personal details, but not going too far for the sake of the reader, Melinda describes her guilt and hatred toward her uncle who caused her so much hurt. She tells how she felt rejected and proceeded to hide the pain by brainwashing herself into thinking that everything was okay, but it eventually only made things worse. Though looking for love in other things, it never came.
After sharing her story, Melinda shares how healing finally came and how anyone can have freedom from this kind of guilt, but really any type of situation. Most enjoyable about this section of the short book was how Melinda shared that God’s Word is the only thing that can set you free, and gives plenty of Scripture verses to combat this issue — not just unforgiveness, but also knowing that you can overcome anything through Christ who gives you strength! Also, hearing Melinda’s heart for other people in her situation was very refreshing.
How I Forgave My Molester is totally worth the read! An easy reader, packed with valuable information on how to forgive, this book is not just for those who struggle with this issue, but really for anyone who needs healing from deep hurts. You’ll learn much through this book — be sure to check it on amazon. Modern Day Disciple
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