Embracing Gentle

Embracing GentleI can’t shake a moment from this weekend at the memorial service where I was serving. The widow entered the kitchen. We’ve never been formally introduced, so I introduced myself to her and shook her hand.

She held my hand, as another older lady – whom I adore – told her a little about me. The widow who is a tall woman looked down at me and cupped my hand. Her eyes met mine and she smiled and said, “Thank you.”

It wasn’t the thank you that shook me. It was the gracious and gentle way she held onto my hand and looked into my eyes. I felt her kindness and it was like she could look right into me and see the good stuff.

As the day went on and I heard and saw her interact with her friends and family, I thought, that is how I want people to feel around me. I want that gentleness that seems to seep out and touch people.

The widow spoke of her husband in a way that was palpable. Genuine. Her husband no longer has alzheimer’s. He’s with Jesus, whole and complete. As much as she misses him, she wouldn’t wish him back to this world.

Gentleness in this harsh world should be something we strive to embody. Our society encourages and embraces hardness. Be tough. Be strong. Don’t let anyone push you around. Be in control.

What if we gave up being a strong gal in control and instead embrace gentle?

What if when people looked at us and shook our hands they felt the Holy Spirit through our touch?

Because I don’t know about you but I’m not strong. God is.

I’m not always kind. God is.

I won’t touch lives with my writing. God does.

I don’t change hearts. God does.

I don’t have the energy. But God does.

I don’t have the money. God does.

So, we sit with our brokenness at His feet and we ask, “God, emanate your love through me. Let others see your kindness, not me. Speak into someone’s life. Use me as the vessel if you will. Change me, so others can see you and change too. Amen.”

God will.


Mel signature


*Bonus resource – since anger is the opposite of gentle: Podcast on The Freedom From The Spirit of Anger

Photo Credit


  1. This is what I also seek. To be gentle in spirit and shine God’s love to the people around me.
    I hope one day I’ll be able to do it, like the lady you describe in the post.
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  3. As I read your post Mel, I was reminded of the times my Mother would tell me how much like a certain aunt I was. This particular aunt had never married as she had lost her fiancĂ© in the war in the 40’s and I loved her dearly as a child. When I asked my Mom why I reminded her of this aunt, her answer was that she saw the same gentleness in me as she saw in my aunt. I didn’t think too much of the answer then, but after searching through some history on my aunt, I am pretty sure she was a Christian and the gentleness my Mom saw was ‘the fruit of the Spirit”, which means she saw fruit in me too!! So yes! let Jesus shine, shine, shine, through our lives.

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